The Oil and Gas Authority (OGA) has today (3 December 2019) published updated Measurement Guidelines.

In the UKCS production licences require that licensees measure or weigh by a method or methods customarily used in good oilfield practice. Additionally, from time to time the licensee is required to measure or weigh OGA all petroleum won and saved from the licensed area. The purpose of the Measurement Guidelines is to set out the OGA’s expectations as to what will generally constitute ‘good oilfield practice’ for the full range of fiscal measurement scenarios that are likely to be encountered in practice.

The Guidance also sets out the procedure that licensees should follow to gain the OGA’s approval of their methods for petroleum measurement.

This Guidance also includes the OGA’s expectations on operators regarding measurement of well flow rates for reservoir management purposes, cross-referencing with the OGA's Stewardship Expectation 6 on Integrated Field Management.