Data and insights - Analysis Benchmarking can help drive performance improvements across the sector. The NSTA has published a number of UKCS benchmarking reports which can be found below. View more
Interactive Maps and Dashboards The NSTA is making more data available through its growing suite of interactive maps, reports and dashboards for the UKCS. View more
Data and insights - Income and expenditure These documents report income and expenditure related to upstream oil and gas exploration and appraisal, development, operating and decommissioning activities in the UK and on the UK Continental Shelf. View more
Nsta User Agreeement June 2023 The North Sea Transition Authority (‘NSTA’) is the business name of the Oil and Gas Authority (‘OGA’) a company incorporated in England and Wales (registered number 09666504) and having its registered office at. Sanctuary Buildings, 20 Great Smith Street, London SW1P 3BT. Download
Guidance on the role of Information and Samples Coordinators : October 2017 On 24 February 2014, Sir Ian Wood published the UKCS Maximising Recovery Review Final Report (the Wood Maximising Recovery Review). Subsequently, the Energy Act 2016 (the 2016 Act) received Royal Assent on 12 May 2016. Download
Consultation on OGA supplemental guidance Disclosure of certain Geophysical Survey Data (created or acquired under an Exploration Licence post-2017) : 27/3/2019 Download
Consultation on OGA supplemental guidance Disclosure of certain Geophysical Survey Data (created or acquired under an Exploration Licence pre-2018 : 27/3/2019 Download
UKCS Decommissioning 2018 Cost Estimate Report The cost of oil and gas decommissioning for the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS) has reduced from the 2017 baseline of £59.7bn Download