The NSTA charges fees for a range of services to specific licence holders, including consents issued under petroleum licences, offshore gas and carbon dioxide storage licences and for pipeline works authorisations issued under Part III of the Petroleum Act 1998.
The changes, first introduced by The Gas and Petroleum (Consents) Charges Regulations 2013, are now enshrined in The Oil and Gas Authority (Fees) Regulations 2016 (as amended).
The fees were updated with effect from 1 April 2024 and will apply to applications received after that date. The new rates can be found here here.
Please note: From 1 October 2024, card payments will be the only means of payment for applications submitted via the UK Energy Portal. This is in line with NSTA’s new requirement for payments to be made upfront before applications are reviewed and services are delivered. We have published more information about this under news and articles. Please see here.
Below is the Guidance on the regime.