As the licensing authority for carbon storage projects in the UK offshore domain, we are responsible for ensuring that prospective projects meet required standards.
We are seeking tenders from third parties with CCS project experience that aim to identify and describe risks and mitigations which must be considered as part of future carbon storage projects in the UK. The key deliverable is a detailed checklist based on expert knowledge and evidence from analogue projects which will be used to support assessment of applications and stewardship of Carbon Storage licences.
It is envisaged that the project will begin on (1st February 2021) and must be completed by (31st March 2021). Full terms and conditions are available to applicants. Go to (https://www.contractsfinder.service.gov.uk/Notice/2774a46c-4c0d-4b5d-9031-ec1bc692a316) for further details. Tenders must arrive by no later than (22nd January 2021).
The OGA anticipates increased interest in carbon capture and storage projects as the oil and gas industry works to fulfil our obligation to help the Secretary of State meet the net zero carbon by 2050 target.