On 1 November 2017, the OGA launched the 2017 UKCS Stewardship Survey (the Survey) incorporating feedback from Operators and Licensees. Submission of the Activity sections of the Survey was requested by 19 January 2018, with the remaining sections to be submitted by 28 February 2018.
The data provided in the Survey is used by the OGA to create a single source of current, aligned and robust data covering the whole asset life cycle across the UKCS. These data underpin all aspects of the OGA’s functions and serves to facilitate a better understanding of issues facing the industry and opportunities that can be exploited to contribute to maximising economic recovery of UK petroleum (MERUK). The OGA also uses the data submitted to generate reports which are shared with industry throughout the year.
Gunther Newcombe, the OGA’s Operations Director said ‘I am very pleased to note that submission of the Activity sections by the deadline exceeded 97%, which is a significant improvement compared with last year, and I would like to thank all those involved so far in the collation, QC and submission process.’
The OGA would like to encourage Operators and Licensees to complete the remaining parts of the Survey at the earliest opportunity ahead of the end February deadline.
In late 1Q 2018, we will be undertaking a short feedback session to gauge the industry response to this year’s Survey and how we can continue to improve.