In March 2020, the Supply Chain and Exports Task Force, published a Supply Chain and Exports Strategy, which updated the previous Strategy, published in 2016. 

The previous strategy centred around economic recovery and exports, and these themes remain vital to the success of the sector, along with an increased focus on the contribution to achieving net-zero through an integrated energy supply chain.

Underpinning the three key priorities above are six consistent themes that emerge when we look at how to deliver success: The industry role-modelling the right culture & behaviours; acceleration in the pace of change, adoption of new thinking and technologies; embracing of the right commercial models between different elements of the supply chain; driving the digital transformation needed across the industry; opening opportunities for investment and partnership through greater transparency and visibility of data; and working together to support exports by leveraging UK PLC including maximising the “soft diplomacy” opportunities that exist.

Supply Chain and Exports Strategy

Document published in March 2020

Supply Chain Exports Strategy Cove