The North Sea Transition Authority (NSTA) revoked offshore petroleum licences P.108, P.313 and P.340 insofar as they relate to Fujairah Oil and Gas UK 12 Limited (UK12) on Friday 12 May 2023. Consequently, UK12 is no longer a party to any of these licences. The licences remain in force as they relate to the other licensees.
The NSTA has, for the first time, used its power to partially revoke a licence; this action has been taken because UK12 did not meet regulatory requirements.
The NSTA is committed to supporting UK energy security of supply and, works to ensure that the right assets are in the right hands to maximise production and support the drive to net zero.
The NSTA has the power to review a change of control and can, in certain circumstances, serve notices proposing to revoke a licence unless a further change of control takes place within a three-month period. Notices were served on UK12 in January 2023 and as no further change of control was arranged the NSTA used its powers to partially revoke the licences.