By looking at the potential that exists in a small number of selected fields, the OGA estimates that an additional 900 million barrels of oil (mmbbl) could potentially be produced through increases to Recovery Factor (RF) as a result of improved asset stewardship.
Currently the expected RF for the UKCS is 43% and even a small upward percentage swing could add many millions of extra barrels, helping maximise economic recovery.
Benchmarking asset performance data, including RF, forms one of the four core elements of the OGA’s Asset Stewardship Strategy.
The OGA is using this data to:
- Identify fields where RF is lower than expected and potential reasons for this
- Prioritise asset stewardship reviews with operators to identify areas for improvement and to share lessons
Recovery Factor Benchmarking report - UK Continental Shelf (UKCS) Oilfields
Recovery Factor Benchmarking report - UK Continental Shelf (UKCS) Oilfields
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