Production efficiency (PE) has risen for a fifth consecutive year. In 2017 it reached 74%, driving increased production in the United Kingdom Continental Shelf (UKCS).
The 1% improvement in efficiency from 2016 helped contribute an additional 12 million barrels of oil equivalent (boe) in 2017; or 32,000 extra boe per day.
The report compares actual production to the theoretical maximum economic potential of the fields (and associated infrastructure), compared to previous years. PE is an important indicator for the industry and the OGA as a core element of production optimisation and asset stewardship performance.
Any operator can request a bespoke operator benchmarking pack from the OGA by emailing PPR.Team@ogauthority.co.uk. Packs contain more detailed information about hub and operator level performance relative to others in the UKCS.
UKCS Production Efficiency in 2017
UKCS Production Efficiency in 2017
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