OGA Offshore Europe Seminars
Venue: TECA, East Burn Road, Stoneywood, Aberdeen, AB21 9FX
The OGA is hosting a series of short seminars/workshops across the week of Offshore Europe, sessions will feature a short presentation followed by an open Q&A discussion.
Tuesday 3rd September, 13:30 – 15:00
State of the Basin: delivering MER UK
This session will provide a preview of the OGA’s first “State of the Basin” report, due to be published later this year, and the role that the OGA, operators and the supply chain need to play in maximising economic recovery while supporting the energy transition.
Wednesday 4th September, 9:30 – 11:00
Energy Transition
The OGA fully supports the UK’s transition to a low carbon economy. This session explores the OGA’s and the oil and gas sector’s role in relation to the energy transition, covering:
- the OGA's key energy transition focus areas
- carbon capture and storage
- the OGA UKCS Energy Integration Project
- opportunities available for oil and gas sector
Wednesday 4th September, 13:30 – 15:00
Cost Effective Decommissioning
We’re getting better at decommissioning all the time! Find out about the innovative approaches and best practices from our industry which are helping improve decommissioning efficiency and cost reduction in this growing sector. Gain valuable insights into the decommissioning cost reduction strategy and explore how supply chain and operators can work more effectively together.
Thursday 5th September, 9:30 – 11:00
Data, Digital and Technology
Information and data play a significant role in the UK oil and gas industry and can unlock more effective and efficient ways to maximise economic recovery. Find out how innovative digital and technology advances are transforming the way we work and creating real value and for the OGA, industry and stakeholders.
Thursday 5th September, 13:30 – 15:00
Asset Stewardship Expectations: a guided tour
This interactive session provides an exclusive guided tour through the industry’s recently revised and enhanced Asset Stewardship Expectations. The session will cover what they are, the value they bring and set out how industry needs to put them into practice.
We have a limited number of places available, so please register your interest by emailing Oga.Events@ogauthority.co.uk stating which seminar/s you wish to attend. You will receive confirmation of a place during the week commencing 19th August.